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Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko Train
The Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko Train provides seasonal service between Kushiro and Kushiro Shitsuge…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Kushiro Shitsugen Norokko Train
SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen Train
The SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen Train is a popular winter event in Kushiro, running powerfully through th…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
SL Fuyu-no-Shitsugen Train
Kushiro Washo Market
Washo Market is said to be one of Hokkaido’s top three markets alongside Hakodate’s Mo…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Kushiro Washo Market
Lake Mashu
Lake Mashu is a mysterious lake surrounded by the pristine nature of Akan-Mashu National Park. The…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Lake Mashu
Lake Kussharo
Lake Kussharo is one of the largest caldera lakes in Japan, with a circumference of 57 kilometers …
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Lake Kussharo
Lake Akan
This caldera lake was created by an eruption about 150,000 years ago. The lake is dotted with four…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Lake Akan
Akanko Ainu Kotan
Lake Akan is located in the eastern part of Hokkaido, and Akanko Ainu Kotan is located in a corner…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Akanko Ainu Kotan
Bokke Walking Trail
Hikers should not miss out on a 1.5-kilometer hiking route around the Akan Lake Eco-Museum Center.…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Bokke Walking Trail
Kushiro Marsh Observatory
The observation and exhibition facility, whose building is designed in the motif of the "yach…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Kushiro Marsh Observatory
Kotan hot spring
These all-natural open-air hot spring baths sit at the heart of the Lake Kussharo region and are c…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Kotan hot spring
Mt. Io
Mt. Io is an active volcano with an altitude of 512 m. White smoke containing sulfur rises from th…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Mt. Io
Mashu Viewpoint 1
One of three observatories on Lake Mashu along Highway 52. It is commonly known as "Omote Mas…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Mashu Viewpoint 1
Nusamai Bridge
Voted as one of the “Top Three Sunsets in the World” alongside other famous worldwide …
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Nusamai Bridge
Akanko Ainu Theater Ikor
Ancient Dance / Lost Kamuy: held all year longThe ancient dance performances of the Ainu (Hokkaido…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Akanko Ainu Theater Ikor
Akan Sightseeing Cruise
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Akan Sightseeing Cruise
Hosooka Observatory
Kushiro Marsh offers a panoramic view of the magnificent scale of the endless expanse of Kushiro M…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Hosooka Observatory
Cape Kiritappu
Cape Kiritappu is located at the eastern end of the Kiritappu Peninsula. The cape juts out into th…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Cape Kiritappu
Cape Nosappu
Located at the easternmost tip of Hokkaido, it is famous for being the first place in Japan to see…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Cape Nosappu
Kushiro City Museum
This museum is a treasure trove of discovery, with exciting modern displays arranged around the ce…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Kushiro City Museum
Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary
Located approximately 50 minutes by car from Kushiro Tancho Airport and 1 hour by bus from Kushiro…
  • Kushiro, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Nemuro
Tsurui-Ito Tancho Sanctuary
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