Akan International Crane Center [GRUS]
Marvel at the Rare and Beautiful Red-Crowned Cranes
The Akan International Crane Center is the only facility in Japan specializing in the research and protection of red-crown cranes (Tancho in Japanese). These culturally significant birds were saved from extinction in the 1950s by farmers in the Akan area who fed them crops through the harsh winters. In the facility itself, check out the exhibitions which explain the cranes’ ecosystem. On the adjacent wetlands, be sure to watch these majestic birds outdoors under close-to-natural conditions. Between November and March, over 300 red-crowned cranes gather in the feeding area in front of the neighboring Tancho Observation Center. Don’t miss the rare chance to see these stunning birds flying over the snow-covered landscape!
- * Please note that the text shown on this page includes machine translations.
- Nearest airports
General Information
- Postal code
- 〒085-0245
- Address
- 北海道釧路市阿寒町上阿寒23線40
- Telephone Number
- 0154-66-4011
- Open
- 9:00-17:00
- Closed
- Open all year round
- Prices
- Charge
- Car Park
- 45 spaces, free
- Directions
- ●By car: About 20 minutes from Kushiro Airport
●By bus: About 60 minutes from JR Kushiro Station - Website
* Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.