The Official Hokkaido Adventure Travel Guide

Hiking the Restricted Areas of Mt. Usu and Mount Showa-Shinzan





  • JPY288,400 per person in case of 2 participants, JPY210,300 per person in case of 3 participants, JPY175,000 per person in case of 4 participants

  • 2 days 1 night

  • Min. 2, Max. 4

  • Hiking


  • A special hike to Mt. Showa Shinzan No. 4 Crater, to which access is normally restricted. You can experience the living earth.
  • With special permission, you will walk along the “Old National Route 230,” a restricted area that was scarred by the 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu. You will have a beautiful view of Lake Toya and overlook the largest crater opened by the 2000 eruption, which was also the source of the thermal mud flow.
  • You will see the contrast of Lake Toya, the beautiful scenery created by the eruption of Mt. Usu and other volcanoes, and the remains of the disaster.
  • Hike the rare terrain (restricted area) of Mt. Usu that you can't usually enter.
  • Walk around the edge of the crater of the 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu.
  • Overlook Mt. Usu and Lake Toya from Kompira-yama Crater Observatory.

Lake Toya,Mount Showa-Shinzan,
Date, Usu(Konpira-yama Foot Route, Nishi-yama Foot Route)


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  • Hiking the Restricted Areas of Mt. Usu and Mount Showa-Shinzan